Jimmy Jam

What is Jimmy Jam?


The act of gently massaging or furiosly rubbing the female clitoris. Usually used as a precursor to finger treats. Can be performed as a single act or with 1 or more partners also known as a jimmy jam jam but in such situation must be immediately followed by the finger treat for full effect. It is good practice to give the jimmy jam just before surprise sex

Paul couldn't get it up so he jimmy jam.

Ting enjoys the jimmy jam more the cock so she jimmy jams it every day.

Dan gave her the jimmy jam and then oops pound surprised her.

See finger treats, boneyard, sit on my face


A difficult or problematic situation, usually created by circumstances beyond your control.

When the boss wanted my report by noon instead of 5 pm, I found myself in a real jimmy jam.

See jam, rock and a hard place, spot, difficult, problem


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