J.k. Rowling

What is J.k. Rowling?


A genius. She wrote 6 of the 7 books to be outed in the Harry Potter series:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and The Order of Pheonix

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (to be released on July 16, 2005)

J.K. Rowling is a brilliant, literary genius. She's also very witty.

I love Jo Rowling and her books.

See Christine


A very talented woman. Her life is an insiprational rags to riches story. She wrote "Harry Potter and the Philosipher's Stone," or "Sorcerer's Stone" in America, and it was an immediate success. She has got on to write five more since then, and plans to finish up with the seventh her in the next few years. Her books are quite spectacular, with content for all ages. Yet it is written simply, so that children can enjoy them. What is truly amazing is that she had planned the story through book seven before she even started book 1.

J.K. Rowling has given me a truly wonderful gift, one to which I am eternally grateful.

See harry potter, author, magic, talent


Author of the Harry Potter books and the first author to ever become a billionaire. Money earned from the popularity of her books and the movies released based on the books.

"J.K. Rowling has made a lot of money off of those Harry Potter books."

See harry potter, billionaire, author, book


Joanne Katherine Rowling. Writer of many short stories and the famous Harry Potter series. She has written the following published books:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone/Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

these are all great books, as many have said. They are not meant to convert people to 'devil worshipping' or anything else that the Pope and/or other people have acclaimed to. It is merely for entertainment purposes and a job for a well-deserving mother.

Person 1:Have you read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Person 2:No, who's it written by?

1: J.K. Rowling.

2: Do you know their real name?

1: Joanne Katherine. And Rowling is pronounced like you can row a boat. not a row like a quarrel.

2: Is the book good?

1: OH YES! its my favorite in the series.

2: Are the movies better than the books.

1: By far, no. I think its because I can expand my horizons on imagining what I want to imagine. A based-on-a-book-film is just one person's point of view on a book.

2: I think I'll read it now!!!

See j k rowling


(also known as Jo Rowling by her loyal fans) One of the most famous writers of our times. Author of the Harry Potter series, the best-selling books of all times (besides the Bible, of course). Although her books are considered "children books" by ignorant muggles, they have become more mature as the protagonist, Harry Potter, gets older.

I want to meet J.K. Rowling so I can ask her dozens of questions.

See harry potter, muggle, harry, hermione, ron, magic


The extremely wealthy author of the Harry Potter series. Her books are entertaining, but her prose is unbearable.

Person 1: Who uses 'sanctimoniously' as an adverbial dialogue tag?

Person 2: J.K. Rowling, that's who.

See bourgeois, banal, platitudinous, popular


Medicore writer who probably stole the idea for Harry Potter from a writer who is actually tallented.

Any time you see her on TV, she will tell the interviewer how much she hates the movies, despite being made underservedly rich from them.

Interviwer: "So tell us what you think on the new movie Ms. Rowling"

J.K. Rowling: "Meh, they got it so wrong when Harry ruined Fred's beard-juice"

*Takes another £1M cheque*

See bitch, plagerist, hack, talentless


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