
What is Jkaizer?


-The Webmaster of Pokevillage as of May 27th, 2004.

-The owner of #pokeboard @ irc.dejatoons, commonly mistaken as blaze.

-The owner of #Free_fma on the same server.

-Former Webmaster of the following Sites and Forums:Innocent, Beginning Anew, and pokeBT.

-A good friend

-An Extremely Moody person.

-The owner of 3 or 4 journals on livejournal, over the past year. 2 in the last month.

-A Name thought up by the writer of this definition, in september 2003, and actually used by the one formerly under the AOl name Jesse Matsuda

----------------------------------------English, from the J in the name "jess" and the mispelled german "Kaizer".

16:48 * ChanServ sets mode: +oq JKaizer JKaizer


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