
What is Jocq?


to screw with someone or their personal belonging's.

in the word jocq the q is silent so it is pernounced jock but spelled differently.

yesterday, i jocqed with devino to earn jocq points!

hardcore jocq'in will result in skyrocketing jocq points.!!

also used in this form

i love to jocq with fags like devin because he wears billboards!!!

See jocq, jock, chad


to screw with people.

if i were tell devin he sucks his dads dong that would result in a sky rocketing increase of "jocq point"

or to screw with sombody's personal belongings.

if i were tell devin he sucks his dads dong, that would result in a sky rocketing increase of "jocq point"

See jack, zach, tanner, clifford, joe, jocq


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