What is John Carroll High School?


A Catholic school in Harford County where they have one diversity - RICH WHITE SPOILED. The sports teams are mediocre and all the students have an overinflated sense of self worth and importance. In reality they are all the products of extreme helicopter parenting and elitist separation.

John Carroll High School boys grow up and leave their mommies to move in with their wives.

See elitist, rich, harford county, catholic


Located in Bel Air, MD. The only private, Catholic high school in Harford County. Around the corner from Bel Air high. The students are stereotyped as rich, and snobby. But thats not the case. Alot of people are there with help or scholarships and most of the people are really friendly. The classes are pretty close to eachother and we dont have huge diversities. There are the people who are popular or think they are but mainly dont have a problem with talking to anyone else in the school. Usually they play soccer/lacrosse. Then you have the middle-popular group who are friends with everyone. Mainly playing all different sports. The there is the middle- less popular group. Usually dont play sports. Then there is the less popular group. Usually quiet and stick to themselves. Usually plays in the band. Although there are different groups of friends, we dont really have clicks. Everyone is pretty well blended together.

We dont "pop our collars" and whoever does probably gets made fun of. The sport teams are great and win alot. A/C is broken in most of the school which sucks. Most teachers are pretty cool.Hang out around town, usually go out to eat or hang with friends/ parties. Plays are pretty good. Basketball team is good. Lacrosse is like top ranked. Baseball kinda sucks sorry. Bands/ Chorus put in alot of effort and sound great.Soccer is good. Football is alright. Softball team is good. Rugby is real good. There are alot of sports like the ones above and tennis, badmitton, swimming, water polo etc. There is also alot of clubs.

School runs on a mod system. 1 mod is about 20 minutes. Monday, Tuesday, Thurday and Friday you have 15 mods. and Wednesday you have 16 mods. Usually classes are 2 mods (around 40 minutes) and in the morning you have 3 mods. (first 3 like an hour) Three mod class are usually mods 1-3 and sometimes 4-6. But its cool because you get off-mods. where you can do whatever. Like go eat lunch or go to the library and do homework. usually have more than one off mod per day. depends on how many classes you take.

Lunch is catered. Its alright. 3 floors. Dont get lost easily. 1 cafeteria. 2 gyms. small library.

College Prepatory school. Smaller classes. Everyone in each class pretty much knows eachother.

Not much more to say.. its a good school. other schools may slander it but its only because we actually are smart and have a future. Not drugies.

Someone who goes to another school(1):

"Who are you playing today?"

Someone else who goes to another school(2):

"John Carroll"


"Oh so i guess your going to lose"


"yeah probably."

Other Student & JC student:

"where do you go to school"

"John Carroll High School"

"oh thats cool"

John Carroll Students:

"Hey you did awesome in the play (or in a game)"


See jc


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