What is Jordan Joyce?
a fairly large curmudgeon girl who tends to harrass little children preferbaly boys!! who also is a fat fatass who tends to irrate everybody!! she gives you the feeling of a haggart *which is the feeling of a edlerly women sitting on your chest!! and eats all day!!
friend 1: hey my mom went to costco today and got a whole jordan joyce amount of food!
friend 2: damm ull be full till your dead!
friend 1: ima feel like such a haggart already
friend 2: atleast ur not an actual jordan joyce!!
A fatass crack head, a moldy vagina. Shes so fat and thinks she all that when she only has all that on her. Shes so large she can feed world hunger. Her right thigh is larger than the average turkey.
Starving Child in Africa: Im so hungry, we should go to the camp and see if they made any food donations.
Starving Father in Africa: I think they got a Jordan Joyce, our stomaches will be filled forever.