
What is Jose?


The most common name for Mexican males.

Person A:"Jose!"

Millions of people:"Que?"

See mexican, mexico, jose, faggots, nigger, Schuldig


The most common name for Mexican males.

Person A:"Jose!"

Millions of people:"Que?"

See mexican, mexico, jose, faggots, nigger, Schuldig


A very common hispanic name that translates to "Joe" in english. If you walk into southern California and call this name you are bound to find a friend.

Man, This alcoholic's defintions are so racist and based on stereotypes how can they NOT be awesome?!


the boy I loved, the boy I lost, and the boy who spoiled it for every other guy I'll ever meet.

he is the standard I hold every guy to.

"he's no jose."

See j, jay, squishy, you


Alcoholic drink;

Short for Jose Cuervo

1. The bane of all human existence.

2. Has power to transpose user from the club to the holding pen at the nearest police station.

3. Has tendency to generate embarrassing photos the next morning.

4. A great drink

Person A: Hey man lets hit this Jose

Person B: Hell yeah!

(...A bottle of Jose later...)

Person A's Heartbeat: ...

See jose, cuervo, hose, alcohol, spirits, tequila


A FUCKING sexy beast WHO EVERYONE luvs and is friends WITH!! And is amazing at soccer!!

He is such a Jose. He has so many friends and is cool and hot. He is also very good at soccer.

See jose, sexy, hot, soccer, beast


1. To Jose (verb): not doing shit all semester in law school and successfully cramming at the last minute to get better grades then everyone who's been working all semester.

2. Being Josed (verb): during the course of the semester (see above) to get called out by your professor for not doing work. Especially in the first week of first year of law school.

1. Person 1: "Hey, you studied for the final yet?

Person 2: "Nah, I'm gonna pull a Jose."

2. Person 1: "Hey, you wanna go drinking tonight?"

Person 2: "Nah, I have to study. I got Josed in class today."

See jose, law school, final, exam, study


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