What is Jtfo?
The abbreviation of Jog The Fuck On.
An expansion and adaptation of the traditionally English phrase, Jog On.
The addition adds an element of gusto and offence, for those times when the simplicity of the original phrase just don't relay your feelings as fully and emphatically as they could.
<tehAntiNewb> hiz0rz, we play clanwar tomorrow at 1730 on our clan server as otherwise my ping is like 9834301
<n00b^basher> jtfo
The abbreviation of Jog The Fuck On.
An expansion and adaptation of the traditionally English phrase,
The addition adds an element of gusto and offence, for those times when the simplicity of the original phrase just don't relay your feelings as fully and emphatically as they could.
<tehAntiNewb> hiz0rz, we play clanwar tomorrow at 1730 on our clan server as otherwise my ping is like 9834301
<n00b^basher> jtfo