
What is Juan?


Spanish name most closely related to that in English as John. Popularised in the west by the Johnny Depp film "Don Juan", the name Juan strikes fear into the hearts of lesser men. Translates loosely to "man with everything"

Pronounced differently than expected

Juan -> "hhh-wa-n"

Steph- Hey Jenna how is it going with Charles

Jenna- God Steph he was so passe, such a no in a big way! i found a new guy... his is Juan"

Steph- He sounds like a pretty hot guy! Its not too mexican like Miguel, its soft and subtle and incrdibly sexy!

See colombia, milf


Possibly the coolest name you can have.

The first Juan was born in the badlands of Mexico and according to the legend raised by dragons until the tender age of five at which he, single handed defeated a troop of french invaders by giving them wrong directions that took them into a pit of eternal damnation.

It is also said that, at 15 years of age, he created the cult to kukulkan the feathered snake by taking a snake, covering it with glue and sticking chicken feathers to the poor animal. Kukulkan is still worship at Yucatan up to the present day.

The story goes on to tell incredible feats that would make Hercules himself look like a kid.

The funniest part is that he died killed by a coconut while taking a nap under a coconut tree (of course) at the tender age of 78.

Juan already did that!

I wish I was as cool as Juan!

When I grow up, I want to be just as cool as Juan.

Juan is my hero.

See juan, mexican, name, jaun, john


smarter than the average american and able to last, please and continue pleasing the american female thats why you see more juans than johns with american females HAHA

Juan gimmie sum ,juan you still awake , juan you smell good juan im glad you swam the river ,juan you are the meat in my smokehouse

See good, sexy, handsome, fun


The number before two.

Juan (1), 2, 3, ....

See juan, two, three, four, five


the most common name in the mexican language.usually verry popular at school.is very talented at soccer.ladies man and is good at sexeasures the women.a fine as guy with a big penis

ohh my god he was so good at sex! i think his name was juan kuz he sure was one

See popular, soccer, common, big, talented


Juan is the Greek and Latin word for master. of Elissa and matt not to mention Kamal. Juan is a name of a master/pimp he is Damiens master and pimp and also Marys PIMP. Juan's usually have a slave named Phil. Juan's are also chick magnets.

look there is a Juan.

omg its Juan

ahhhh look Juan

See master, hot, babe, pimp


Super delicious male humanoid. And incredible in bed.

Juaaan.. Oh, Juann..

See sexy, massive, delicious, perfect, goofy


Larry , Likes HIs Name Larry Very Much !! Likes To GO To The Pee Pee Room, Hi Larry

Juan (Larry)

See juan, shithead


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