
What is Judenaktion?


(Jewish Action). Current translation: Juden, Israelites + action, campaign.

1: The euphemism to describe beating, mass shooting, rounding of persons from their homes. Limited genocide. A violent, prejudiced act or group of such acts.

2: carnage, plundering, use of dynamite, arrests, burning churches (synagogues), stripping of clothing, molestation.

3: separation of victims for murderand work (camps).

see: Judenvernichttungsaktion

see: Judenaussiedlung

also: “Hungary Program”

Judenaktion 2 noun.

1: plunder.

J1: One policeman reported that his unit was given whips, which led to rumors of a Judenaktion.

*From: Ordinary Men. 1998. pp56.

J2: For the plunder taken from the deported Hungarians: the German word is "Judenaktion."


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