
What is Juggling?


The ultimate sport. This involves, normally, keeping more objects, usually balls, in the air than you have hands (so, 2 in one hand, 3 in one hand, 3 in 2 hands, 4 in 2, etc)

Popular items for juggling Include balls, rings, clubs, scarves, fire torches, fireballs, although many other items have been used, including furniture

A person who juggles is called a Juggler.

There are several other branches of juggling, such as Diabolo (two handsticks with string between them, and and hourglass shaped 'diabolo' spinning between them), Devilsticks (two handsticks, and a longer stick you keep balanced on them), and Contact Juggling, which involves keeping one ball in contact with you at all times while rolling it around your body. This is one of the most mezmerising forms of juggling

Juggling is the best pastime ever invented, and people that can juggle should be hekld in high esteem by normal peasants.

Dude, the other day I was juggling 3 pineapples and two apples, and peasants were watching me amazed

See juggling, juggle, balls


Juggling, what a juggler does. It is a sport or an art, whatever you decide it to be.

Juggling makes your brain bigger.


A few of us can but many cant.

i know like 1 kid that juggles but all my other freinds cant

See John Doe


To talk and/or be interested in more than one person of the opposite sex. In order to juggle, one must successfully keep all parties seperate from eachother so that no one knows the others exist. Also, the juggler must be able to schedule/plan their events in order to not be found out.

Synonyms: Player, Skeez, Fucker

I am currently juggling three girls right now and they all want to do me tonight, oops

See player, skeez, fucker, pimp, whore


The art of borrowing to pay debt. Borrowing from the proverbial Peter to pay the proverbial Paul. The modern money shuffle that has biblical roots.

I am juggling to pay off my credit cards.

See juggle, borrow, balance, transfer, shuffle, bob, weave, jump


to masturbate, code word to use on the phone so the fucking government cant understand

i am in the process of juggling

See masturbation, jack off, masturbate, fuck


to be selling drugs.

"I need some extra money so Im going to start juggling."

See dealer, drug dealer, serving


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