Jump The Shark

What is Jump The Shark?


a term to describe a moment when somethin that was once great has reached a point where it will now decline in quality and popularity.

Origin of this phrase comes from a Happy Days episode where the Fonz jumped a shark on waterskis. Thus was labeled the lowest point of the show.

Cousin Oliver on Brady Bunch, Scrappy Doo.


The precise moment when you know a program, band, actor, politician, or other public figure has taken a turn for the worse, gone downhill, become irreversibly bad, is unredeemable, etc.; the moment you realize decay has set in.

Tom Cruise jumped the shark the moment he jumped Oprah's couch.


Refers to the specific moment when a TV show goes downhill. From the Happy Days episode where Fonzie overcomes his fear of sharks by jumping over one while wearing water skis.


Original meaning was the point when a television series shows it has run out of ideas and must resort to stunts to retain viewer interest. Derived from a scene in the last years of Happy Days when the Fonz waterskied over a shark. Includes actions such as "it was all a dream" episodes, live episodes, lead actors playing guest characters, and putting entire cast into a parody of some pop cultural event.

It looks like "Will and Grace" decided to jump the shark. They are doing a live episode in black and white where they are all characters from Star Wars. Elton John will play Jabba the Hut who shoots Jack with a "straight ray" gun.


when something stops getting better and starts getting worse

The Jump The Shark website, jumptheshark, jumped the shark when it was bought by TV Guide.

See jump, shark, tvguide, sellout


The precise moment when you know a tv show, rock band, or actor has gone downhill.

The Brady Bunch jumped the shark the day Cousin Oliver joined the cast.


to reach the point where the poupularity of a show, movie, musician, or any other pop culture icon declines in popularity (refers to an episode of The 1960's TV show, "Happy Days" where Fonz jumps over a shark while water skiing, see also jump the couch)

It looks like Voyager is about to jump the shark.

See pop culture, media, downhill, rating, icon, popularity, decline, metaphor


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