
What is Junit!?


A hardcore gangster unit wit a hardcore leader (Jesse) and a white gangstress hoe; name must begin wit a J to join!

Hardcore gangstas freestylin


See gangstress


an elite group of gangsters established in september 03'. Due to internal conflicts the group disbanded in november 03'. recently made a comeback in april 04' wit returning leader lantigoand head gangstress jessicawirth. Distinguished by green bracelets distributed by lantigo

also an acronym for jesses under negro influence time!

Note: Junit 01' was responsible for the LA riots which resulted in 800 million dollars in damages...due to lack of evidence lantigowas set free.

Many hold that junit! has been around for centuries crediting them with the assasination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth (ex junit!) Others believe Junit! was the original group of apostles banded together by the son of god...thas rite...my homeboy Jesus

jjjJJJJjjjj Unit!


A hardcore gangster unit created by jesse, the hardest hardcore gangster alive. Name must start with J and be a hardcore gangster to join.

A mild arabic curse word

Jjjjjjjj UNIT!


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