
What is Juta?


Juta is the Italian & Portuguese name for Jute, a coarse vegetable or bast fiber traditionally used to make Burlap or Hessian and Gunny Bags. The major species of Jute are Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius.

Names of Jute in other languages:

1. Chinese, Japanese, Korean = Huangma (Yellow Hemp)

2. Other Italian = Iuta or Corcoro

3. Spanish = Yute

3. Russian & Allied Languages = Dzhut

4. Arabic & Allied Languages = Lif Khysha (Burlap Fiber)

5. German = Jutefaser

6. French = Chanvre du Bengale (Bengal Hemp)

Italian> Sacchi Juta = Jute Sacks

Portuguese> Sacos do Juta = Jute Sacks

See jute, burlap, gunny, hessian


a shoe, or a item which to throw

im going to throw a juta at u

See shoe, slipper, item


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