
What is Kabloom!!!!!?


A sound effect for a huge explosion. Much huger than kaboom, or even kablooey.


We all died.


To orgasm. Specifically, to ejaculate.

Hey buddy.... why'd you order those dozen roses for your girlfriend? Are you hoping she'll let you kabloom on her face without getting upset?


an alternative for KABOOM!!!

after he walked off the mine, it blew up..and KABOOM!!!

he was gone.


A. The name of a hydroponic additive used to get a larger yield. It is made by General Hydroponics.

B. The name of a franchised flower shop that mimics european flower shops.

A. Het man, you need to add some KABLOOM!!!!!to that hydro system to get more buds.

See kaboom, hydroponics, marijuana, flowers, mahony


A chain flower store

im going to kabloom to get the dozen roses.


What a flower does while opening in spring

Damn son that flower you picked for your mom just kabloomed in your face!!!

See brad


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