
What is Kalgan?


Bald white guy who is World Of Warcrafts lead developer. He loves to nerf warlocks and loves to listen to forum QQ'ers. He also plays a warrior which will be rockin' season 3 weapon within the first week.

I'm quite sure the pvp warrior I have will still be rockin' a S3 weapon within the first week despite this change. - Kalgan

See kalgan, kalganism, warlock, hater, warrior


To ass-rape something beautiful and pure.

Did you see Jane and Tom's new baby?

See it, I totally kalganned the little bastard!


Another word for "shit," used by World of Warcraft players.

Kalgan is the name of a Blizzard Employee whom everybody hates because he's unfair. It is true that Kalgan plays a Warrior, and thus all nerfs to other classes are blamed on him.

Man, this nerf is a bunch of Bull Kalgan!

See kalgan, is, a, piece, of, shit


Shit as in: poop, feces, crap, bowel movement.

Did you see the Kalgan in the toilet?

Yeah, it was big and smelly!

Aww man! I stepped in Cow kalgan.

See shit, poop, crap, turd, feces, droppings


Kalgan. The bane of all warriors. Evil. Satanic. Hypocritical. Spellcaster.

Watch out, Kalgan will curse your sword arm and lower your damage per second.

OMFG you dirty rotten Kalgan.

Kalgan, He should shut the fuck up.


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