
What is Kane?


A dominating, seven-foot badass who performs on RAW. Used to wear a mask, but now shows his extremely ugly face. Also known as the Big Red Machine.

Kane will one day get another world title reign.


7 foot monster of WWE...he is badass and all around dominating!!!

Kane rules!!!

See Douchebag


The sinister bald-headed, goatee-sporting leader of the terrorist group "Brotherhood of N.O.D." in the Command & Conquer series. Played by Joseph Kucan.

kane is the leader of NOD

See dugald


Kane is the mastermind behind the nefarious Brotherhood of Nod from Westwood Studios Command & Conquer series of computer games. Little is known about him; many of his followers draw the connection between him and the biblical figure of Cain, which Kane does not go out of his way to confirm or deny.

He is infamous for his bald head and goatee. Played by Joseph D. Kucan.

"The Brotherhood exists wherever there is need."

- Kane

See kane, nod, cain, c&c, command, command and conquer, bald, westwood


-verb, transitive

1. to eat very quickly, especially in excess quantities

2. to eat with no regard for one's own well being

Mike just kaned those two pumpkin pies!

See devour, gorge, glut, binge


he was much better with the mask on. He ruled then. Now you see him smiling, making small talk, and his face sin't as bad as it was said. Oh yeah, I thought he was 6'11", not 7'.

Kane was very similar to the undertaker in size and moves, so they wrote up a gimmick of Kane as takers' brother, with paul beareras the daddy. aaawww

See Gumba Gumba


The Devil

kane IS the devil


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