What is Kanged?
1. When you are invited to a place, and the person who invited you doesn't show up.
2. When a person tells you that they'll turn up for a friend's brithday, but they don't.
3. When a person is losing in a game, and therefore decides to call you a cheater.
1. Chris told me about happy hour after work, and didn't show up. I was Kanged (or She pulled a Kang)
2. Christie has been talking about Markus' birthday for weeks, and didn't show up. She pulled a Kang (or Markus was Kanged)
3. Christina was losing by so many points in Scrabulous, that she decided not to play her turn and instead, call Jack a cheater. He was Kanged (or She Kanged him)
The act of having your meeting hijacked, in favor of a convoluted and meandering presentation of impractical concepts that can never be implemented. Also a term for a discussion that impacts you, but does not include you.
"I got Kanged at the new business presentation yesterday."