What is Kappa Slapper?
Female equivalent of the Nike Pikey. Found all over the British Isles usually congregating in large groups at bus stops and parks. Dresses in sportswear (not just Kappa) drinks cheap cider or supermarket vodka. Constantly smoking fags. Chav scum.
"I never bin wiv 'im. I ain't no Kappa-slapper!"
A female of the
Location: Town Centre.
Kappa Slapper 1: S'cuse me mate, you got time on ya?
Passer-by: Yes its two o'clock
Kapper Slapper 1: Thanks mate, you got any ciggys on ya?
Passer-by: No, sorry
Kapper Slapper 2: Your well gay
Kapper Slapper 1: 'Ere mate lend us your phone i need to call me mam
Passer-by: Er, ok, here... (gives phone)
Kapper Slapper 1: TAXED!
(Runs away with phone)
Kapper Slapper 2 (Calls out): See ya later - Minge
another name for a
damn, that kappa slapper is ugly!