
What is Karate?


The art of kicking major ass. Karate originated in Okinawa, developed by peasants who were forbidden from carrying bladed weapons, as a method of defense against armored samurai. The classical style is characterized by very hard, short, “square” movements, as opposed to the “circular” movements of traditional Chinese kung fu, or the “long” strikes of Tae Kwon Do. Karate has since moved from Okinawa to Japan, and then on to the Western world after the U.S. occupation following WW2. Since then many “fake” styles have cropped up all over the world, based on traditional karate but lacking the proper techniques to generate power.

A: "fear my 1337 karate skillz!"

B: "Hate to break it to ya, but that ain't karate."

See Shard


A martial art that developed in Okinawa in the 17th century. It primarily utilizes striking techniques, but grappling techniques are also existent. Literally, it means "empty hand".

Beware of the karate McDojos...

See martial arts, okinawan, japanese, budo, fighting


Often seen as the vanilla ice-cream of the martial arts. People constantly argue that, for example, jiu jitsu or taekwondo are more specialist and therefore better arts.

However, given that karate teaches a wide variety of punches, blocks and kicks, it produces well-balanced competitors.

Chav at sports centre: "urrr..karate kid! Boxin's betterrr"

Me: "No, because boxers can't take your knees out"

See Intricate


A Japanese word commonly mispronounced by Americans. See karaoke

Karate is pronounced Kah-Rah-Teh, not Ka-Rat-Ti.


A martial art that originated in Okinawa. It lost it's good reputation when it stretched out to the western world and started producing false techniques and used their teachings primarily for money. Karate is often misinterpeted for a martial art that is ineffective and homosexual, but when used in it's true form is actually one of the most deadliest martial arts

Jim: Hey Jesse your a fag! Now I must fight you using my karate.

Jesse: Jim I don't wanna fight you, I'll probably end up killing you with my far superior karate skills.

See judo, strong, defiled


Karate. is for kicking peoples asses.

with karate I'll kick your ass, here to tiananmen square.

oh yeah, motherfucker,

I'm gonna kick your fuckin' derriere. yeh yehh

you broke the rules,

now I'll pull out all your pubic hair!

you motherfucker.

you motherfucker.

See tenacious d, karate, pubic hair, kicking ass, ninja


the thing which all the kids told you thy knew in grade 3, but when put to the test they were just pussies

Now, kickboxing, on the other hand.

See oh shit i'm dead


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