
What is Karroting?


a half hearted quest for that which is knowingly unobtainable.

a minute distraction from normal life, which rewards with false sense of acomplishment.

the act of picking one person on the internet, finding out everything you can about them, and then picking someone you have met along the way to stalk next. no contact except for internet medium should be made.

once i fonud this transvestite on some webpage and wanted to talk to her so i tried to find out what irc network she went online at and ended up on efnet in channel industrial and then i asked about and ended up in channel cdc on efnet and met this guy there and then i eventually found her. i think i asked her maybe two questions since i had already found out a lot about her from various websites, people, blogs etc. but the guy i met was interesting so i started stalking him. etc.


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