
What is Kashmir?


The greatest song made by Led Zeppelin


The most beautiful place on Earth.


A region claimed by both Pakistan and India.

Kashmir shares a boarder with each of the aforementioned countries, but in 1947 (When independence was gained for Pakistan and India) it's maharajah, Hari Singh (descended of Gulab Singh), refused to meet an agreement with either nation, as he hoped to remain independent.

In October 1947, two months after the partition of Pakistan and India, Pathan tribesmen from Pakistan entered Kashmir, routed the maharajah's troops and moved towards the capital, Srinagar. Hari Singh asked India's assistance, which was granted only after he agreed to annex his state to India. The Pathans, as un-disciplined as they were warlike, stopped to loot the local population, giving India an opportunity to airlift reinforcements to Srinagar. Pakistani troops entered the war to support the Pathans. Fighting went back and forth.

This began the tensions between India and Pakistan which persist today.

In my opinion Kashmir belongs to India, and I hope to see it come under India's full control in the near future!

Kashmir is disputed territory!


1. A territory between India and Pakistan, the subject of international dispute between the two countries.

2. One of Led Zeppelin's better songs. In fact, Robert Plant was nowhere near Kashmir when he wrote the lyrics to this. He was actually a continent away in Africa - driving through the desert in Morocco!

Oh Father of the four winds fill my sails...


It is Heaven on Earth!!!

if there is heaven on earth it is here,it is here,it is here!


A disputed territory between pakistan and India, the most beautiful place on earth.(despite constant artillery shelling on both sides).

Subject of countless books, operas,songs,paintings.

It is not a city as some stupid redneck said, it is larger than many states in the US.

I am a traveller of both time and space, to be where I have been


The BEST Led Zeppelin Song EVER. Not The Best Song Ever Made That It too arguable. But most People Who Are Serious Zeppelin Fans I Have Talked To Finds Kashmir Better Than Stairway. It Is So Nostalgic In It's Awesomeness

Trying to find, trying to find where I’ve beeeeeeeeeeen

That Lyric Is From 4:05 to 4:26 (13 seconds is the word been.. no pause beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenyeahahhh)

come on plant's vocals are amazing... way better than stairway to heaven... but it is soo underrated because you have to be a led head to listen to it really. Kashmir Is Track 6 of Physical Graffiti

See led zeppelin, song, best, ever, greatest, kashmir, Kempy


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