What is Katherine Harris Crazy?


(n.) As insanely optimistic as Congresswoman Katherine Harris. Usually characterized by an overly optimistic estimation of someone's chances of achieving success.

Did you hear Jim just bought 500 dollars in lottery tickets? That boy is Katherine Harris crazy if he thinks he's going to hit the jackpot.

See crazy, insane, ridiculous, unlikely, optimistic


a) a person interested in bringing about the Apocolypse. Only slightly less dangerous than global warming,

"Katherine Harris crazy" is vetrinarilly synonymous with an animal being "rabid." See also Adolf Hitler; Pol Pot; Joseph Stalin; Sauron; George W. Bush; Emperor Palpatine; Blue Duck; the two Asiain-American dudes that always drag race John Cusak's character (Lane Meyer)in Better Off Dead; Khhhhaaannnnn!!!!!; evil genius Vince McMahon; Lex Luthor; the kid in second grade who kicked my ass.

b) someone whose head is so far up their own ass that they lose their sense of sight, except of course for the sight of their own sigmoid colon.

Dude, puttin' these muthafuckin' snakes on a muthafuckin' plane is muthafuckin' Katherine Harris crazy.

See rabid, shitty, crazy, dangerous, evil


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