What is Kavazanjian?
The wild untamed African animal usually found on the Catholic Univeristy campus mounted atop a female prey. The most prevalent behavior of this unique specimen is reproducing. The Kavazanjian spreads its seed like wild fire during its year-round mating season. Its most vicious attack upon unsuspecting victims is from the rear. It injects its stinger and realeases its venom. There are no negative side effects, only massive euphoria. Its mating call can be heard when on the prowl. If you hear "BDDDDDAAATTTTTT," it's already too late.
Past Victim: "I had the best sex of my life last night."
Future Victim: "Oh yea, with you?"
Past Victim: "I don't know, but all I kept hearing was 'BDDDATTTTTT.'"
Future Victim: "The wild Kavazanjian is on the loose!"