
What is Keener?


(Canadian slang, noun) Individual eager to demonstrate knowledge or participate enthusiastically in school, church, seminars, etc. Like nerd, geek, brown-noser, smartypants, etc. but with more emphasis on willingness and enthusiasm, and less on social inadequacy, sycophancy, or natural ability.

Sally's classmates thought she was a keener because she always put her hand up in Chemistry, but her friends knew she had a crush on Mr. Smith.

A: I finished all the homework for next week.

B: Don't be such a keener! You're making the rest of us look bad!

See nerd, geek, smartypants, brown-noser, dropout


a person who is obsessed with school work. doesnt have much of a social life.

she is such a keener. all she does is work.


canadian slang for a brown noser or suck up..negetive term

"She bought the teacher a present?! What a keener, eh?!"


an individual that consumes a large portion of their life dedicated to schoolwork yet still has the time and desire to party their ass off

Jimmy: "Hey Mr. Ratfly, i have the highest GPA in the school, how can you decline my offer for the Chemistry Club?"

Teacher: "Plain and simple, Jimmy. You can elude yourself with your supposed academic skills but we all know you're a keener."

Jimmy: "Aah, whatever. I was just gonna throw your lab books and test tube racks into a fire anyway.."

See keener, keenan, dumbass, ocean, gemini, jimmy


An individual that is obessessed with homework yet still finds time to party it up and party they do.

It's a Friday night and Jaymie is drunk, but the party is dying down so they pull out their homework. Therefore Jaymie is a keener.


"I was studying for fun earlier let's get plastered now!" < that would be a keener talking or Jaymie


"You're a keener" or "What a keener" (refering to jaymie or taylor)


"WTH Taylor is on the principals list but got so drunk that her hangover resulted in taking half an hour to walk a block and sitting in 5 different puddles along the way" TAYLOR WOULD BE A KEENER.

See nerd, geek, stoner, dweeb, taylor, jaymie


are homosexuals who usualy live in or around memphis area of hickvill tennesse. They usually pretends to "rep" queenies and kingsies. They also are well known for jacking off with other males on XBL thru video chats and uno. They are typicaly a home schooled nerds who pretend to have friends and will randomly scream " aye yo john my nikka have u finished that report on George Washington?" (or something like that) in mid summer when even summer school has ended to pretend that they have friends... they tell gay stories that never happened on AIM or on XBL

exaple on AIM

(keener)Hnbigj: hey u bring that sex jelly?

JDoeAKAJDeezy: im not gay

(keener)Hnbigj: whats wrong with a little penis every now and then mario ?

JDoeAKAJDeezy:this isnt mario

(Keener)Hnbigj: WRONG AIM

exapmle on XBL

A KEENER: Hey guys wanna go on Uno and jack off with some 12 year olds ?

See keener, xbl, aim, jack off, fag, nerd, geek, home schooled


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