
What is Kellenberg?


An Orwellian, mind-controlling cult which operates under the guise of a Catholic School.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." -Sinclair Lewis predicting Kellenberg

See cult, mind control, brainwashing, big brother, totalitarianism


1. Home to the biggest spoiled assholes on Long Island who were too gay to go to a public school. Think they're better than the average lot because they pay 10K a semester for the right to say "Jesus, LOL" every morning. See Theocracyor asshole for a typical day in Kennelberg.

2. Being a Christian Jew. Look at the name- Kellenberg, an example of Christians who want to copy the Jewish lifestyle.

3. To pay 200 to 400 times more for something that everyone has/ can obtain easily.

1. Kellenberg fuckbags: We payed $40,000 for our High school diploma!

Public school student: Yeah? Well for the net savings that I get from paying normal taxes every year, I was able to spend my money on something more meaningful than a plain education, dumbass.

2. I'm not even Jewish, but the Kellenberg assholes decided to steal a Jewish name for the sake of trying to be better than us average Christians.

3. I learned how to use proper grammar without spending a fortune to do so.


jealous people (see example)

kellenberg guys make fun of chaminade guys cuz one: they can't get any and two: they are jealous cuz one day they will be working for those same chaminade guys.


Greatest Catholic shool on Long Island. And it has chicks.

Hey there is a great articel in "The Tarmac" about how the Firebirds whupped on the panys Flyers today. Boy i sure am ashamed to be a sissy Chaminade boy. Do me a favor - pass me a straw - my beer is getting warm and my bubble bath is getting cold.


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