What is Kenai?
Kenai, A small town in Alaska, about 2-3 hours from Anchorage, they have a Carrs-Safeway, a Home Depot, and a bulk grocery store called Three Bears, also a place called IGN Country Foods, with very low prices and awkward employees. Kenai is a good place to get one or more of the fallowing:
- Fish
- Alcohol Poisoning
- Rocks
- A fun time on a sand beach in Alaska
- Raped
- Roofied and Raped
- Ruin Your Life
- Find most any drug you'd like,
- especailly METH
1. Hey man, wanna go to kenai?
Sure I'm down to get raped!
2. Kenai? Isn't that that village past Soldotna?
the name of a small town in Alaska. also the name of a song by the 36 crazyfists (a snow capped romance).
where do you live?
i live in Kenai
Home of the world famous King
Kenai is said keenie
I caught me a huge king salmon today on the Kenai river it weigh 30 pounds.