What is Kennedale?
a tiny tiny town in texas, youve never heard of it. ghetto beyond belief, yet terribly hillbilly at the same time. home to some racetrack no one really gives a shit about. full of people who think theyre the shit because they shop at abercrombie & straighten their hair, when compared to the rest of the world their just as unclassy as the people they hate on. great school district with a nice athletics program, thats about all theyve got going for them. 6 square miles of pure stupidity. an early death wish for people who dare to remain.
person 1: damn mannn my cousin lives in kennedale
person 2: what the fuck is a kennedale?
Random Words:
its when u talk but before each vowel u say UB
ubi druboppubed thube r bubomb
(i dropped the r bomb)..