
What is Kennedy?


To be a "Kennedy" is to be exceptionally clever and strong.

"Kennedy"'s are often Famous, Notorious or infamous

A "Kennedy" is the sworn enemy of chavs, goths, moshers and nemos.

"Kennedy"'s also have an abnormally amount of nationalism and patriotism.

Dr. Dre is a proper "Kennedy"

That gangster who got shot was a "Kennedy"

Hitler was an extremist, but he was also a "Kennedy"

See kennedy, kenedy, ganster, g, chav


A orange skinned girl, with white hair, who dresses like she's 29 years old, when she's only in high school. She is promised when she graduates, she will get a nose job & a boob job as a present from her parents. She thinks she's good at singing, so she posts videos of her singing on facebook and writes songs in 5 minutes. She acts stupid for attention, and when with her "friends" they act like stupid monkeys.

"Oh my god, that girl is such a kennedy !"

See kennedy, fake, ugly, concieted, oompa loompa



Used to describe as cool, hot, awesome, etc. Most commonly used in Northern Indiana. Also see, Tight, Phat, Sick.

That bitch is straight Kennedy!

Dude, last night's party was Kennedy. I got so fucked up!

See tight, hot, phat, sick, ill


To be a "Kennedy" is to be exceptionally clever and strong.

"Kennedy"'s are often Famous, Notorious or amazing

"Kennedy"'s also have an abnormally amount of nationalism and patriotism.

Dr. Dre is a proper "Kennedy"

That gangster who got shot was a "Kennedy"

Hitler was an extremist, but he was also a "Kennedy"

See kennedy, amazing, i, love, her


A “Kennedy” is a reference to the exceptional sexual drive of the eponymous US president. It refers to having vaginal, oral and anal sex the same night and in no particular order. A good night in!

I had a Kennedy last night. The girl is hot, mate…

See frigid


Kennedy's are outgoing and awesome people to be around. They like to have a good time, and are normally beyond goregous.

Kennedy's are known to get the guys with their stunning eyes and outstanding body features.


That goregous girl over there was a kennedy!!

See pretty, goregous, lover, bre, banger, sexy


To "kennedy" a girl, is to shoot a wad into her eye at such an angle with such force and consistency that it would cause her head to go back and to the left.... back and to the left... back and to the left

I "kennedy"ed that girl right

See kennedy, facial, cum shot, jizz


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