
What is Key?


Kilogram, usually refering to narcotics.

I almost got busted with 2 keys in my trunk.


A key is a kilo of Coke a key is worth 20 g's real big money making if you own keys

1.Ayo crosby just sold off 1 key to Big J yesterday right?

2. During the drug bust cops raided my crib and found 2 keys under my bed


just perfect... one of those things that would make you a whole lot happier at any given time

a big mack would be key right now


Short for kilogram. Taken from the (ki) in kilogram. Usually referring to cocaine.

"I heard you had a key of cocaine in the trunk?"

See keys, key, ki, kis, kes, ke


1. A metal device that opens or closes a lock

2. A Set of characters, when entered into a software program, unlocks locked features and removes annoying nag screens and trial limits.

3. to scratch up one's vehicle, using a key to do so.

1: Damn it, where did my keys go

2: Someone have a key for Windows 98?

3: That fucking faggot pissed me off so bad, I'm going to key the shit out of his car later on


integral, very important, required

that clock in your presentation was key


means killogram. rappas use it when usually referring to coke. since coke is pretty expensice and valuable meassurements are important that why my keys is so important

Biggy "if it wasnt for the rap game/ id probably have a key knee deep in the crack game"


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