Keyboard Courage

What is Keyboard Courage?


Main Entry: Keyboard-courage

Pronunciation: 'kE-"bord-'k&r-ij

Function: noun

descriptive quality: 1: A quality or characteristic displayed by a person through the written word that this person would not ordinarily possess. 2: The confrontational attitude exhibited by someone via an anonymous entry to an internet web-page or posting. 3: An attitude demonstrated by someone when they realize that actions taken by them or words written by them across a computer connection will have little, if any, personal repercussions. 4: A false bravery possessed by an individual who does not possess the true quality in person.

Chat room person 1: I think wrestling is all fake, those guys couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

Chat room person 2: Yo, real or not, these guys are big and powerful. They could probably use you as a fish bait.

Chat room person 1: Up yours, ass-wad! If these monitors weren’t between us, I’d wire my mouse through your eye-sockets! You waste of money-shot fluid! Who do you think you are?!

Chat room person 2: Terry Hogan, man. You got a lot of Keyboard courage going on, where do you live?

Chat room person 1: ………(staring blankly at screen, sweat rolling down forehead) ………… ………… ………… ……..uh………China. Yeah, that’s it, China……….(shutting down computer, and jumping in bed with a stuffed animal).

See keyboard courage, keyboard-toughie


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