What is Keysys?
A group of boys, usually part ethnic/middle eastern, often having their great, great, great gandmother's uncle's sister being a quarter ethnic which naturally makes them beleieve that they are full in that nationality. The group is aged around 16 - 19 that generally reside in the suburb of keyborough
Person one: "Oh my god bro, did u hear what happened to Jim?"
Person two: "Narrh wat happened?"
Person one: "He got bashed by the keysys"
Person two: "Farrrk"
Person one: "You going to the party in noble?"
Person two: "Narr the keysys will be there"
Person one: "Yer i saw ***** the other day.."
Person two: "The keysy boy?"
Person one: "Yerh and he asked me if I wanted to be in a keysy boy"
Person two: "Really man, wat u say?"
Person one: "I said nahhh, you know, its just good to have them as mates if you have trouble"
Moronic youth who hang out at Fast Food chains like it were an episode of Saved By The Bell.
Speech, un-unqiuely undeveloped (and stolen from african-american movies), music tastes tend to be extremely cliche and following the war-cry of their Muzza brethren; only date underage girl's who don't know no better.
(Here's a tip boys, how about you develop the craft a little and spray paint something that actually matters... Same goes to that "Drix" fucker)
Person One: Uh, who sprayed "3173 Boyz" randomly on that wall?
Person Two: *shrugs* Some fucktard
Keysys / Keysy boy: Oi bro! Who wrote "Muzza Fucktard" over that graffiti I dun last week?