
What is Kiddiespeak?


The language the average 12-year-old uses when writing. Typified by misspelling of even the easiest of words and the alternating of lower case and capital letters that give people of normal intelligence a frigging headache when trying to read. What dumb fucking idiot invented this? They should be burned alive. May also be related to wigger.

"hEy Al My HoMeZ sEe HoW cOoL i ThInK i Am BeCuZ i KnO hOw To RiGhT lIkE tHiS? AnD eVeN tHoU eVeRy CoMpUtEr On ErTh HaS a SpEl ChEk I wOnT uSe It BeCaSe I cAnT bE bOtHeRd. ThE fAcT tHaT a NiNeDy YeAr OlD mExIcAn HoRe CaN sPeLl BeTtEr ThAn Me DoEzNt BoThEr Me At AlL bEcUz LiTeRaSeY iS oVeR rAdEd."


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