
What is Kimo?


Someone who takes up most of the bed

Miranda: "Move over!"

Jimmy: "NO! Its my BED!"


Jimmy In the end loses and sleeps in the coach for the night.

See perry, limo, dog, boxer, miranda


shortened slang for kimosabe, which in turn means "trusty scout" or "faithful friend" in the Native American language Potawatomi.

Oi kimo, on your way up to my place, can you pick up a sixer?

See kimo, friend, mate, kimosabe


another word for gnargnar

"Oh, hey whatcha upta?"

"Nothin, just gonna be kimo for the rest of the day"

See gnargnar, kimo, bro, cola


Kiss Ass Mother F'er

you punk kimo. Man that dude was talking to the man and straight turned into a kimo!

See kiss ass, brown noser, sell out


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