
What is Kindness?


the act of going out of your way to be nice to

someone or show a person you care.

something that apparently does not exist in this world anymore.

doing an act of kindness would be for example, if you see

someone who looks upset or down, just simply smile and

say hello to them, maybe strike up a conversation.

See nice, caring, love, compassion, kind


A quality that one would conclude, from browsing through Urban Dictionary and other websites, has died out of the world.

The longer I surf the Web, the more I suspect that kindness is dead. It makes me want to kill myself. Maybe I should go back to just watching television, which only makes me want to kill other people.

See cruelty, selfishness


Used in the spirit of a true Canadian hick in the middle of nowhere Ontario who probably runs a gas station or the Molou, as a noun. Instead of asking someone for a favour, you ask them for a kindness. Kindness replaces other words for favours also, and works well whether you decide to talk like a hick or simply add it to your every day arsenal without the accent.

Hey Donnie, would ya do me a kindness and passs me dose beers?

Hey Professor, would ya do me a real nice kindness and help me with my courses?

See favour, good, deed, goodwill, nice


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