King Tut

What is King Tut?


The pose a female strikes when accidentally caught naked. An attempt to cover the breasts by crossing the arms in front of them. Often used in risque celebrity photography or on the cover of porno mags.

Also refers to the same position during sex in an attempt to keep the breasts from bouncing excessively.

I walked in on her naked, but I couldn't see her tits because she was doing the king tut.

I nailed her so hard she had to do the king tut to keep from getting a black eye.

See streak, naked, nude, buff


The ultimate...I mean the ultimate props that can be given a guy for sexual achievement. A King Tut is when a guy pleasures four girls at once; while laying on his back, one girl rides the stick, one sits on his face, and the other two take each hand. Then the four girls lean in toward one another and make out while the King rocks out the four vaginas. The resulting geometry is a 4-sided pyramid.....the BEST pyramid ever.

Those four bitches came over and got drunk, then we did the King Tut.

See orgy, group sex, foursome, king, pimp, lesbians, score


As a female is having oral performed on her, she defecates, and her excrement gets attached to her partner's chin, thus making him look like King Tut. This is essentially the female version of a blumpkin.

After Jill has had the pleasure of giving Benjamin the blumpkin, she lays down on the sofa to give Benjamin the King Tut.

See feces, oral sex, oral, sex, vagina, asshole, poop, blumpkin, kinky, king, tut


As a female is having oral performed on her, she defecates, and her excrement gets attached to her partner's chin, thus making him look like King Tut. This is essentially the female version of a blumpkin.

After Jill has had the pleasure of giving Benjamin the blumpkin, she lays down on the sofa to give Benjamin the King Tut.

See blumpkin, oral, shit, blowjobs, cunt, eating out, feces, sex, dirty, kinky


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