
What is Kingwood?


A suburb of Houston, TX. The highschool is overly competitive. Many adolescent and teenage inhabitants are mindless drones who follow their parents' beiliefs (political, religious, and otherwise) without question. Sometimes refered to as "The Livable Forest". Teenage citizens of Kingwood often do too many drugs and drink too much alcohol because there's nothing else to do with their time and superfluous amounts of money that they didn't earn.

I'm, like, totally from Kingwood. Wanna play with my titties? How 'bout I suck your dick? K!


A small suburban town near Houston, Texas with an insanely competitive school in terms of academics and athletics. Kingwood High School is amazing at all sports except football. Kingwood High School's rival is Humble High School. Although people say there is nothing to do, Houston is actually close by, so many activities take place there. There are many churches in Kingwood, as well as many church activities. On the contrary, there are alot of druggies, as of everywhere else in the US.

synonyms: the bubble, K-town, K-hood, K-wood

antonyms: Humble (the city)

Kingwood Resident: Hello, I am from Kingwood

Humble Resident: HEEEELLL NAW. Im from Humble, Bitch!

Kingwood Resident: Oh, shit.

See k-town, k-wood


Where, when you're in high school, it's easier to obtain weed than alcohol.

Marijuana is quite popular in Kingwood, and they still own other schools in academics. Go figure.

See kingwood, texas, houston, high school, weed, lkjhgfdsa


Suburb of Houston, Tx.

see Disturbia

Quite possibly the strangest place on earth. Full of slutty teenage girls and immature fratboys-in-training, who have been raised by their soccer momtype parents to think that the world can't go on without their presence. Kingwood is also made up of kids who have convinced themselves that they're hard-ass-thugs and that Kingwood is a ghetto just because they smoke weed during off-season football and listen to "Hardcore-Rap" (Nelly and Bow Wow) on their way to Tennis Practice.

Weed, drugs, sex, and self-mutilation are all too common in Kingwood-everyone knows how prominent they are, but god forbid you talk about it.

Seldom people in Kingwood have any sense of individual style. The majority are Abercrombie Poster-Models and Scene kids who think they're being original and unique by dressing like 100,000 other people

While the people in surrounding towns see Kingwood as snobby and rich, very few people in Kingwood actually make more then $100,000 a year.

The people of Kingwood think they're rich because they sold their house in California or Arizona for more then it was worth, bought a house in Kingwood for a cheap price, bought a boat they never use, and got a job at Administaff.

There isn't much to do in Kingwood. Unless you enjoy walking your dog or hanging out at CVS, you're screwed unless you have a car and can drive to Humble.

Despite the fact that it resembles a crackhead-version of The Stepford Wives, Kingwood has it's upsides. There's actually some pretty cool people here (who also realize that Kingwood is a lie).

Life in Kingwood seems endless at times, but it can seem easier if you remind yourself that one day you'll escape and venture into the real world-leaving behind people like Bryce, Matt, Ashley, and Emily who were above-all in high school, but will end up working in a cubicle after they pay their way through college.

kingwood is not a good place-it's full of lies, hate, racism, backstabbing, boredom, and soccer moms-but it's surviveable.

Kingwood is like a ditch-it's hard to get out of, but it's possible-whether you want to or not is a different story

See kingwood, evil, hollister, fraternity, whore, bitch, slut


A suburb of Houston, Texas. A community which is portrayed as a conceited, self-centered group of rich, whiny snobs. The upper-class division of Kingwood often uses the police for what they beileve to be are real problems, such as toilet paper in their trees. The rich kids of Kingwood have recently discovered that they are rich, after meeting a handful of people at their high school whose parents don't drive a luxury car. Yes, there in fact ARE middle-class families in Kingwood. There is alot of drugs in Kingwood, which are much easier to get than alcohol. There's not much to do around Kingwood except for get high, so alot of children resort to doing so. The parents are overprotective and attempt to shelter their children until they can no longer legally do so. All-in-all, Kingwood is a falsely happy society, where everyone is appaled by the fact that life is not perfect.

Kingwood's local newspaper, The Observer, put a murder story on the 3rd page, while the front page was an article about the new garden center. Everything's perfect, and nothing ever happens in Kingwood. Yeah, right.

See kingwood, utopia, self-centered, false, blind


A sub-city within the the city limits of Houston, Texas, Kingwood is a largely rich town filled with mainly two types of kids. The first type have parents that either work too much or just don't care enough to truly be the parents of their own children. Thus the parents try to be a friend instead of a parent and the kids do whatever they want even to the extent of drugs, sex, and alcohol. The second type of kids have parents who you might say are living through their children, pushing them to be better than perfect in everything.

Kingwood High School, Soon to break into a second high school to be called Kingwood Park High School, is filled with a large majority of kids that watch too much MTV and desire to "be ghetto" for the scandleous social popularity that is attributed to Rappers, Pimpsand those involved in the Rap, R&B/soul sections of the music industry. The large majorty of the kids have no idea what "ghetto" is and would not survive 24 hours in a borough like Brooklyn, NY because of their attitude and the way they run their mouths.

Sadly a large majority of the other entries also depict the sad truth about Kingwood, Texas and its youth.

See kwd, drugs


A suburb of Houston, Texas. It is a town that started small and quickly grew to an overpopulated hell hole. It is drug infested, and run by people with more money then they know what to do with. The middle class people who can't afford the name brands are kicked off the the curb and shunned from any social group.

Kingwood is a hellhole

See k-wood, hell, kw, Fisky


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