
What is Kipp?


aka K.I.P.P. a word/ phrase used when departing a person or conversation.

Keep It Pimpin Pimpin

Hey tony, i'll see you later. Kipp


A kipp is a four legged animal who is mixed with only two breeds. It is often confused with mutt, however a mutt is mixed with more than two breeds.

My dog is a kipp mixed with pug and beagle.

See dog, mutt, dogs, animal, pet


See: Butt Pirate

Is that an anal cavity or is Kipp happy to see us?


Someone who doesn't know his ass from his elbow.

verb int. KIPPED - to have to deal with stupidity of monumental proportions.

Who sent this issue to me? I can't figure out what the request is. Dammit, I've been kipped!


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