
What is Kisame?


Hoshigaki Kisame was introduced alongside Uchiha Itachi, as one member of the dreaded Akatsuki.

Not much is currently known about Kisame, other than his past affiliation with Momochi Zabuzain Hidden Mist's Seven Legendary Swordsmen group. He has a freakish personality and equally freaky appearance.

He has a terrifying sword he calls Samehada, which sucks up Chakra being built inside the body, and rather than slicing it's intended victim, it rips them apart like the teeth of a shark.

He loves to fight, and was eager to fight Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai, but was only merely disappointed when Itachi ordered a retreat. He is fearless, and not afraid to use his Samehada liberally. Truly someone to be cautious, if not feared by.

Kisame looks freaky crazy

See Freud


Niberu's lead guitarist, Kisame is a force to be reckoned with. Once a member of the Mist's Seven Legendary Swordsmen, and then a high ranking officer of the elite rebel group known as Akatsuki, Kisame now roams the urban wastelands, entertaining adults and children alike with his frenetic riffs and earth-shattering solo's.

Kisame fucking shreds.

See Kisame


A shark man who naruto who carries a giant dildo on his back.

Nobody recognizes him, because his face looks like bear vomit. He also stared in the hit musical cats, as some ugly guy who didn't fit in. He wears beautiful unicorn hair shirts under his Akatsuki robe, and sings phantom of the opera in the shower. He is ugly. Nobody loves him.

"Cain thinks he is so emo, psh, he is just like Kisame."

See kisame, akatsuki, beefy, lobster, dildo, naruto


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