
What is Kkk<3?



noun: a group of three girls that live in chatham new jersey, this group consists of three girls (Kristen Ashworth Katie Belusa Kelly Wilbur)hence "KKK", this simply an annogram for the first letter of all three girls names, it is has nothing to do with racist beliefs, only these girls are sometimes referd falsly to as "the klan" by some people, most of these people are guys. all of the members of the KKK<3 are blonde and each of them has a unique label.

Katie Belusa - KTB - boner belusa - "the tough one"

(regina- mean girls)

Kristen Ashworth - K10 - Ass-worth - "the flirt"

(gretchen- mean girls)

Kelly Wilbur - Kell Bell - kinky kelly - "the wet blanket"

(karen- mean girls)

it is easy to find these girls during summer break down at the shore at kelly's shore house on the deck at 3am. It is hard to go to a party with these girls and not end up passed out on the floor, or loosing your virginity.

these girls also have excellent taste in music, ktbs favorite bands are OAR and Def Leppard, k10s are sublime and tom petty and the heart breakers, and kellys are the doors and guns n roses.

dont mess with these girls or youll get "kkk-karma" which is when u do something bad to them, they will do something 100 times worse to you "ae: the starbucks inncident"

"wow thoes girls look like theyre having so much fun!"

"ohh dude i know why, thats the KKK<3"


"kristen kelly katie, they always have fun where ever they go"

"ohh thats cool we should make a annogram with our names so we can be cool too!"

"no wed just look like idiots"


See chatham, blonde, hottie, sexy, kinky, mean girls, lozer


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