
What is Kkkapitali$m?


A distorted spelling of capitalism that reflects capitalism's true nature. Originally toted as a system in which the people would get what they wanted, it is in reality far from that idealistic vision. It is a system that screws everyone except a select few who happened to be born into wealth or who hit the lottery. Everyone suffers at the expense of these people, who drive around in cars that cost more than an impoverished person could make in his or her life. The rich end up with at least ten mansions and the poor end up with a street corner, on which they are constantly threatened by the arrogant rich people, who think only they matter. That is far from the truth, but under capitalism, it is true. Everyone grows up wanting to be rich, and many people sacrifice doing well in school just for a chance to live the American Dream by being in a pop group or playing sports. When they don't make it, they collect the tiny bit of welfare the government offers and use it to further their superficial dreams. In a capitalist nation, people say things like, "I don't want to be a teacher; even though I would love it more than anything, they don't make much money." People throw away their dreams for cash, but still never learn that money can only buy acceptance and superficial happiness, as opposed to true happiness, which comes from doing whatever you want with your life and not worrying about your financial status. This perfect life can be achieved by all under socialism, but anyone further to the left of Adolf Hilter is labeled a "Commie" or a "Pinko." Therefore, people conform to the system and sacrifice happiness for money. With so much technology, the socialist economies that were merely a dream years ago when they were first concocted now are a reality, but only if we choose to rise against the corporations and rich people who control our lives.

Rich people are greedy and therefore care only about themselves and their money. For this reason, they use their nearly infinate power to make socialism look like a bad thing, and the public of course obeys these public figures. Therefore, we will never have socialism and true happiness without a revolution.

See naturalist


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