
What is Klein?



1)Klein, a classy term for the word cunt.

2)Specificaly a cunt spelled with a K.

3)Also known as the dirtiest word ever, but can still be used in polite conversation.

4)Can be described as smelling like poon.

"You are suck a Klein."

"I would realy like a piece of that Klein."

"The woman's thigh cast a shadow across her delicate Klein."

See cunt, pussy, vagina, chooch, beaver, poon


When someone on a trampoline gets double bounced, loses control, and lands on a poor soul.

Joe gets double bounced and lands on Amin.

Amin: Dude what the heck man why'd you klein me?

Joe: Sorry man

See tackle, crush, land, own, kill


(N0) A person who leaves a domicile and doesn't close the door behind them.

Stop being a such Klein you son of a bitch its cold out side.

See asshole, bitch, cold


n. A pretentious display of superfluous grandiosity.

v. To conspicuously and pretentiously display superfluous grandiosity, especially when socially out of context.

adj. Having the qualities of a pretentious display of superfluous grandiosity.

I'd go on a cruise, but that'd be very klein of me.

See pretentious, superfluous, grandiose, kline, modest


An old man with nothing better to do than sit home with his old woman and make science tests. He talks like a gameshow host and looks like a retarded horse jockey. Other names for Klein include, captain Klein , commander Klein, and the Kliziner.

Klein is such a douche bag.


Verb: Named after a particularily racist and bigoted user on the imdb forums. This refers to the practice of composing a single long,post and then using cut-paste to spam the boards with it without provocation. This can involve a month-old post or a new one, but it is generally used when the person in question keeps posting the same ramble over and over again, instead of using actual language.

Also called Kleining

"Would you please stop kleining all over the place? Post something different."


A bald man who uses careyistc speech and puts down those dummber than himself. Also a man who has nothing to do but make up vocabualry test so he can make puns.

Mr. Klein enjoys silly puns that interupt the learning process.


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