What is Kloepperism?
Study of antisocial behaviours associated with the use of medical pathological lying. Often confused with
Related terms
to kloepperize: Use of malappropriate, inaccurate or discredited discourse in order to cause harm (Ex: Overuse of positive/negative characterizations to describe individuals. Use of the 80-20 rule and focus on the 80 part instead of the 20 part, contrary to the theory, to impede improvements. Overuse of bigotry and veiled racist, sexist and stereotyped references)
Say a kloepper: Similar to a false syllogism, except that there is no intent to be rational in the first place.
dirt off a Kloepper's back: irrational dismissal of problems before knowing what the problem is.
Kloeppian bargain: the expression originates from Faustian bargain. Bargain made when there is absolutely no hope that the other party will keep its promise.
Kloeppian tactics: expression similar to Fabian tactics (to wear out an opponent by delay and evasion rather than confrontation). The opponent is also worn out by relentless nonsense communication.
Kloepper of all Trades: People thinking they can do something when they are clearly incompetent.
kloeppera non grata: An undesirable and contemptible person.
Kloepper's law: (Ex: "If something can go wrong, I will make it happen")
"These days, Kloepperism is everywhere"