
What is Klugle?


A rank in the KKK above kleagle, klondyke and kornhole but below kretin.

Jerrol had hit the glass ceiling and knew he'd never rise above the rank of klugle because years ago he'd served Nathan's Kosher Hotdogs at the Klan wienie roast, never having quite mastered the art of reading.


The type of phlegm coughed up by a Klansman after smoking unfiltered Lucky Strikes for 30 years.

Conrad hacked up a huge pulsating klugle with veins in it after discovering that the previous patient on the dialysis machine was Afro-American and Medicare wouldn't do anything about it.


A white robed seagull.

The klugle kept his beak shut while in the company of crows.


The dance style akin to clogging choreographed by Grand Imperial Wizard Kenny Krappeschiede for the 1999 production of "KKK Riverdance."

Though he still didn't think it was right, Kenny had a growing respect for Antwan-Jamal Washington in the lead...Jesus! That boy could klugle.


A KKK Klusterfuck, derived from cluster in English and kugel (ball) in German.

Leroy was damned well fed up with the Klan...tonight had turned into a klugle; Beauregard forgot the kerosene, Jerrol forgot the timber and Bubba forgot to get a permit or to notify Channel 33 so they could get the cross-burning on the 10 o'clock news...he was seriously considering moving to Detroit and associate with a better class of people.


The jamming of one's thumb into the deck of a surfboard - caused by extremely hard surf wax being applied to the board on a cold morning and then catching on the existing wax.

Dude, it was so cold this morning that I got the worst klugle when I was waxing my board. I almost bent my fingernail back.

See The Colonel


A P-08 Luger pistol, a favorite sidearm of Klansmen that relects their unique American values and politics.

Brandishing his klugle before the crowd, Grand Wizard Purifoy preached tolerance, "We ain't got nothing against Jews, just them SOB's what killed Christ; we ain't got nothing against non-whites, just them what's got the mark of Cain; got nothing against Catholics either, just don't trust folks who don't eat red meat on Friday."

See jorge


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