
What is Knacker?


Incestuous, boxing, sovereign ring wearing, tracksuited shaven headed scumbags. Girls wear bellytops (Even if they're 15 stone), guys are small, jewelry and violence are rampant. Enjoy having children with sisters, looking at you with squinty eyes and scaring people. In many places refers to SCUMBAGS in general, and good travellers are not covered by the word - depening where you're from.

"C'mear yow, give oos a fooking Yaro boss or I'll fooking box ya" said the knacker.


Irish term of affection for general scum (low lifes). Originally originating from a term of reference for travellers. But nowadays covering whole spectrum of degenerates. Inbreeding is commonplace and your mother can often be your sister.

He's my fightin partner

I'll make a fanny outta your forhEad sham!

Hey baoy, how's your hole baoy!


Someone who is found smoking a joint down the back of Dublin Bus i.e the 13A

During the bus journey they will treat the other passengers to all the ringtones in their mobile phone. Mainly up to date rubbish dance tunes, e.g eric prydz call on me.

did you see that knacker down the back of the 13a?

See wexy


Multifarious word with a plethora of uses. Can mean

A) very tired (of a person, usually in past tense),

B) broken or injured (of a thing or body part, usually in past tense),

C) testicle, singular (knackers plural),

D) a person who kills and disposes old and worn out horses before they are buried and/or rendered into glue or possibly star in snuff animal porn movies specially made for Danish truckers in Milton Keynes.

I'm knackered. I have knackered my knackers on the knacker's knockers.





Despite political corectness going to war with honesty and rational thinking, the general perception of travellers remains quite accurate. They are untrustworthy scum who make life hell for genuinely hard working people who are unfortunate enough to have them envade their local green area. They have no respect for the environment and they dont pay for taxis. They solve arguments with violence and marry within their familys.


scumbag- being from either side of the liffey. Despite what the stuck up conceited South siders with delusions of Grandeur think, see snob

there are lots of knackers South of the Liffey in Tallaght, Clondalkin and many other locations.


affectionate mocking term for one who does something revolting yet funny.


"Dont pay for it to be destroyed, sure the knackers will give ye 20 quid for it"


"No mum, I dont want to go to college in Ballyfermot, its full of knackers"


"Sabrina stop pickin your nose ya knacker"


dublin based roughians who go on crazy rampages picking fights with hippies..often found in ballymun..

Knacker: what are u lookin at chief?

Joe: nothing You looked at me..i didnt even notice you there..


Joe:ok byebye..

Knacker:you got a phone with credit??


Knacker:giz your phone..

See bob


A knacker is your general scumbag from Ireland. Males wear caps balanced at an upright angle on their head, at least 5 gold rings and sovereigns on each hand, large gold chains around their necks, matching tracksuits or shirt under Satellite Sports stripey jumper. Adidas, puma, nike or burberry clothing essential to fit crowd. Females wear: Maternity clothes, knacker hoops (large earings that reach from earlobe to shoulder) Prams, belly tops and tracksuits with their knackery fat hanging off the side.

All knackers enjoy "Bockin' da head o' ya, gear, yolks, dope. hub caps, robbing, thieving, lying, transit vans, horses, lifestyle sports, penneys clothes, supermacs, macdonalds, cinemas, crappy civics and puntos. Fighting, rolling up their sleeves.

God I hate knackers.

They also can't read or write, and try to rip you off by selling u a microwaved eight instead of a decent quarter.

They can't speak either.

"Box da nick off ya, lid bollox, bate tha hid off yer showldees. Tum'on, I fite ya. I fite ya! I knife ya! I stikk me daggy in the side ur nick and slit ur throat. I will! Tum'on give us a yaro, go on, I'll fite ya!

I fite ya fo a five-o, bate ya fo a tenno. Ivya have 15 I bewwy ya fo it. An if ya don wan fite me, meh bwodja bate ya fo not chin.

Half of Dublin is filled with knackers


I was mindin' be business and this knacker stabbed me.

See knacker, scumbag, pikey, scum, sham


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