
What is Knackers?


Members of the Irish Traveling community with nothing better to do than steal hub caps off cars, wear tattered clothing or pointlessly beat businesses signs with sticks.

Popular knacker names include Francie and John-Joe.

Another meaning of the term "Knacker" can roughly be equated with the English term Ned, ie, a person who wears nothing but Nike, Adidas or Puma gear, stands on the corner of the local Mac Donalds all evening trying to intimadate young children who walk by.

Generaly however, all members of both Knacker sub-divisions display complete ignorance of all civilisied culture.

That fuckin knacker stole my car radio and hub caps.

Ya filthy dirty knacker...get away from my hub caps!


1. A slang term for 'testicles'.

2. A yard where horses are killed for food or glue, short for the "knacker's yard".

3. Sometimes used in place of 'knackered', meaning 'tired' or 'worn out'.

1. He's got his knackers in a twist.

2. We sent Red Rum to the knacker's yard.

3. My knackers are knackers after all that fun in the knacker's.


A slang word for a member of the travelling community in Ireland

Knackers sell carpets and drive Ford Transits


originally used for memebers of the travelling community in used generally (in Dublin anyway) to desscribe anti social delinquants..other expressions used in Ireland for them are scum, scumbags, skangers, scobies..

Some knacker smashed up the bus stop last night...all knackers should be sterlised...

See D


This is actually a word to describe the gypsie community who originally travelled around making their money by mending buckets and other metal objects. Now used to describe memebers of the travelling community who steal stuff and sell bags of sugar while passing them off as other objects.



Knackers are Irish travellers Not gypsies(romni people) although the two communities do mix and travel with eachother. Knackers are from indiginuious people of Ireland who have just choise to live a nomadic life style they are not all scumbags or drunks they are also sometimes refered to as Tinkers,gippos,creamers or as they call them selfs PAVEES or pavos

You can tell a Irish gippo froma knacker right away the knackers have pink/red faces and dress shitty the gippos are darker skined and dress nicer plus many gippos have settled and do not live the nomadic life style for a gippo its their ethnicity not just their way of life

See knackers, creamers, tinkers, travellers, gippos


knackers are always associated with the lower class's. they are often associated with new york yankees tracksuits and nike T.N's but those people are actuly most often shams and wannabees. The true knackers wear fila runners and dunlop tracksuits as they cant afford yankees tracksuits or nike T.N's. They like to start fights, get pissed with cheap beer and on tuesdays queing up outside the social welfare office

This place is filthy. all i can see is yankees tracksuits and T.N's. Its a total knackers hole.

See scobes, scangers


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