
What is Knees?


the shorter way of saying on your knees (telling someone to get down on their knees and suck your dick)

said like this: knees bitch! now!


Where a girl is only hot enough to give you head. nothing more.

Lewis: Ahhhh mate, check that bird out at the bar

Sammy: Shes pretty Knees mate

Groom: Yup, Knees

Paul: Knees, Knees

Dave: What? Nahh, she'll turn me down

See knees, duckers


body part between both legs. no its not pussy asshole!

Teacher: what do you call the thing between both your legs.

Jhonny : d*ck

teacher: good!

Teacher: what do you call the thing between both your legs.

jack : knees

teacher: thats an old one kid!

See sex, knees, knee, jerk, jhonny


Knees is a term for someone who is lower than a cunt. Basically the an extreme insult for someone whose actions and/or words deserve a harsher derogatory term (i.e someone who is worse than a cunt)

Jeff: Not only did Ron make fun of Hanks dead mother, but he killed Hanks dog and raped his sister!

Carl: What a cunt!

Jeff: No. He's lower than a cunt. He's knees.

See cunt, asshole, fuckwit, douche, douchebag, fuckstick, tool


The part of the leg that hurts like a bitch when it rains.

My knees are killing me.


A person that smells really really really BAD, but only one can stand the stench, that special someone. ;)

Thats a Knees, but hey i kinda like it!


A rarely used slang term for breasts.

Those are some really nice /knees/.

See breasts, boobs, knees, knee, nees


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