What is Knob Rot?
a disabilitating disease inflicted upon a mans purple headed warrior, often carried by ugly fat tarts, and transmitted during sexual acts.
Warning alcohol can make tarts look attractive.
Your in the jungle, a trooper is down, gangrenes setting in, "Who's used all the penicillin?" "Oh mark pattson sir, he's got knob rot of some tart"
The disease responsible for any man needing to become circumcised in adulthood instead of as a baby. Other medical reasons will be cited, but those are obviously all lies employed to cover the embarrassing truth.
Knob rot can be avoided by careful daily cleansing and keeping things safe during sex.
First guy: I was circumcised at 22 because my foreskin wouldn't retract properly.
Second guy: A likely story. Admit it - you had knob rot!
Third guy: Three words, dude - soap. And. Water. Keep it clean next time!
A disease men catch when they cheat on their girlfriend/wife. Will end in the knob falling off.
“Hey wow look at him”
“nah id keep away hes suffering from a bad case of knob rot”
wen sum1 is a nob rot, they usually hav a rotten nob, and its an offensive word
oi u, u nob rot, gimme a fag u dirty litle ratboy