Knock Down Ginger

What is Knock Down Ginger?


A prank which annoys the neighborhood. A person (anyone) goes up to a random door rings the doorbell then runs to hide behind something and watches the stupidity of the person answering it and repeated every time until the person gets pissed.

''one more kid who does knock down ginger on me gets and whacked ass ''god!''!''

See prank, lickadickaday, twat, idiot, dumbass, sweet jesus


A classic prank one I am not ashamed to say I was still doing in my thirties! You knock on someones door and run away.

Best results for knock down ginger are acomplished when it is done to someone you know as you can savour their growing irritation and marvel at how they choose to handle things. After the second knock it is best to tie a lenght of cotton to the door knocker and reel it out a long way. Do this when it's dark and they won't see the cotton, they will even open the door randomly in the hope of catching you.

Finally you knock immediately after they have shut the door, they open it find the cotton and follow it but this time you are hiding close to the door. As they follow the cord you nip indoors and lock them out, as they bang on the door grab a bucket, fill it with water and tip it on them

from an upstairs window. Then lean out and laugh before leaving via the back door. Next day deny all knowledge.


PS I am now 48 - it's still fucking funny.

See prank, joke, practical joke, laugh, ginger


knocking on someones door and running away to piss them off.

man 1:{knocks on door}

man 2: im coming im comig {gets up and walks to the door to open it}

man 1:{runs away}

man 2:ive been knock down gingered

See ding dong ditch, ring and run


The funnest game in the world if you play it naked

Kid 1: "do you wanna play knock down ginger"

Kid 2: "hell no i got aressted last time"

Kid 1: "but did you see the look on that ladys face"

Kid 2: "priceless"

See knock, naked, game, police, door


The game where you knock on someone's door and run away. also called knock up ginger, or knock knock ginger.

"I'm bored, let's play knock down ginger on that house"

See sunnybunch


A game played on rough housing estates where players take turns knocking down ginger kids "GinGer" and count how many hits it takes to knock out cold , or leave "GinGer" on the ground and useless , played over weeks to allow "GinGer" to heal, Video proof often taken by mobile phone.

"did you see that knock down ginger ,shaun did on ginger, sic."

"send me that knock down ginger my bluetooth is on"

See ginger, bully, urban, phone, bluetooth, game, council


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