
What is Knowledge?


Giving someone oral sex.

He gave her some knowledge.


1 in Supreme Mathematics

the accumulation of facts through observing, learning, and respecting

Knowledge is the foundation of all in existence, for it must be known in order to make it manifest. Knowledge is the light given off by our sun, which is the foundation of our solar system. It is also the original man, who is the foundation of Allah's family.

See supreme mathematics, 1, existance, light


Not to be confused with wisdom.

A knowledgeable man reads a lot of books, a wise man writes them.

See i, am, on, fire, tonight, with, these, intelligence, intellect, smart, author, reader, writer, writing, reading, sex



Mary gave Bob knowledge lastnight

See Michelle


There exists a common phenomenon that knowledge can be used as a euphemism for "penis." It is not very common in most cultures, but nonetheless it still exists.

"Hey did you hear that Johnny is pretty knowledgable? Yeah I'd like to get some of his knowledge." "How much knowledge did the teacher squeeze in you today?"

See euphemism, teacher, squeeze


Anything we experience. Experience includes to think and to perceive. To experience is to connect to Existence. For conscious beings like us, to experience is to be (and vice versa). At a given moment, one knows nothing except for what one is currently experiencing.

I am currently experiencing the thought/idea of 2+2=4. Therefore, at the moment i know (have the knowledge of) 2+2=4

See intelligence, wisdom, inteligence, stupidity


Getting head

"She gave me knowldge"

See Twilight


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